Friday 11 May 2007

Casualty screen caps

A lovely person kindly sent me Tobias's first appearance on Casualty and bless her when she has time will make the other episodes available to. I've added screen caps of his first appearance to the fansite gallery and here are a few samples.

I'll add a clip to You tube when I have time.

Tuesday 1 May 2007

New fan video

Here's a new Tobias fan video


Tobias did some filming on Atonement. Its unclear if his scenes made the final cut but here's a behind the scenes photo of him on the set at Redcar.

Friday 13 April 2007

Rome Series 1 Repeat

Series 1 of Rome will be repeated on UKTV Drama from 14th April.

The Cherry Orchard (Final Day)

Copied from my LJ Page
"Feeling the worse for wear today after far too much rose wine last night. Some of my girlfriends took me to see the Cherry Orchard again !! as little early birthday treat and then we went on for a lovely meal. The weather was so wonderful that I had far too much rose and suffering for it now. Still it was a great day and I’m glad I saw the play again as I picked up things I missed the first time round. The theatre was as usual packed and we had to sit in a group of 3 and 2 as they couldn’t get 5 seats together but we were near one another so it worked out ok. First things first, Tobias definitely gave a better performance than when I saw him early in the run. He was wonderful before but now he seemed even more attune with the part. It just seemed more natural somehow and was definitely more memorable as a result. I also had a better view of his adorable face when he spoke some of his key lines, which definitely helped me have more of a connection with him. I found it interesting that yesterday’s audience reacted differently to some of the lines in the play. For instance when Tobias (Peter) tells Anya that he is “above love” this time the audience laughed as they didn’t believe it for a moment. I sensed the audience were more appreciative to his performance yesterday and reacted more to his lines, which may very well back me up on him fine tuning his performance.

As Kyra had mentioned the curtain call this time I really looked out for his reaction and agree he seemed exhausted. Infact he gave an almighty sigh when he first bowed as if trying to wind down from the performance. Perhaps he cant snap out of it as quickly as other actors.

My friends really enjoyed the play and I was a little relieved if I’m honest. I’d have hated for them to go to that trouble and dislike the production. They thought Tobias was adorable (a bit thin for one or two of them) but could quite understand why I think he’s so wonderful. I didn’t get ribbed by them as much as I thought I would.

I did notice that more people around me knew who he was infact I could hear a group of people behind me discuss him at length (they were very complimentary) and occasionally I would look at the audience and notice the women were following him on stage instead of where the action was taking place. So it wasn’t just me! Anyway I hope one day you have a chance to see him on stage. He’s very special."

Thursday 5 April 2007

The Spontaneity Shop's Tenth Anniversary

Tobias will be one the special guests at the Spontaneity Shop's Tenth Anniversay on 21 April. Its unclear if he'll only appear on stage at the Troubadour in London for a nano second but in any event it looks like a lot of fun. Follow the link for more details. Sadly it appears that the show is sold out.

Can you feel my pain through the Internet!

The Relief of Belsen

The first screening of The Relief of Belsen took place on Monday night and feedback was excellent. As yet there is no confirmed release date but its likely to be air in the Autumn. Someone attending the screening said:-

"Tobias was excellent in Belsen. He is definetly one of the main characters, and features prominantly straight from the beginning".